Artifacts Relating to Genocide and Genocide Remembrance

The Armenian Genocide is one of the most widely-discussed topics in Armenian History, in part because it was relatively recent, it took place during global conflict, and because today we find many connections between current events and the events of 1915-1923. As part of this discussion, the global Armenian community recognizes April 24th as a commemorative day to honor and remember the tragedy of the Armenian Genocide. However, it wasn’t until 50 years after the first days of the Genocide that this date was established to officially recognize the atrocities.

Printed materials are some of the most concrete representations of moments in history. Join Collections Curator Gary Lind-Sinanian as he presents several pieces of Genocide and Genocide recognition printed materials from the collection, and discusses how they reflect the way in which the public was aware of the Genocide throughout the 20th century.