Note To Readers

The Armenian Highland was located at a commercial, cultural, and political crossroads of western Asia. Because of this, Armenian culture reflects the influences of the other peoples with whom Armenians came in contact. Additionally, as Armenians moved beyond the Highland due to persecution and massacres, they developed communities in these new lands and incorporated local influences into their lives. Recipes incorporated new ingredients and new cuisine was introduced into Armenian cooking. This amalgamation of cultures was passed down to each successive generation and so you will notice that the recipes below use terminology and ingredients that are not specifically Armenian, but that have become part of the Armenian lexicon and kitchen. These recipes reflect Armenia’s rich and diverse history, and the adaptability of an enduring people. Where possible, we have compared the recipes to the traditional Armenian versions and provided you with a link to the original recipe in order that you may see how these dishes have changed over time. Enjoy, and happy cooking!